Jašma (Jasper, Яшма)

Varieties of Jasper

  • Ball Jasper - Jasper showing concentric red and yellow bands. Jasper occurring in spherical masses.
  • Bayate - A local name for a brown ferruginous variety of Jasper. Originally described from Oriente Province, Cuba.
  • Chrysojasper - A variety of jasper colored by chrysocolla.
  • Creolite - A red-and-white banded jasper. [Webster (1962), Gems 755] Originally reported from California, USA.
  • Dallasite - A variety of jasper from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Darlingite - Local name for a variety of Jasper. A kind of lydian stone. Originally reported from Victoria, Australia.
  • Egyptian Jasper A brown variety jasper (brown alternating with black stripes - Egypt) or red (blood-red, flesh red, yellow, brown - found in Baden), originally described from Egypt.
  • Kinradite An orbicular jasper originally observed in the San Francisco area and named for lapidary J J Kinrade. See: "Kinradite": Orbicular Jasper from San Francisco
  • Owyhee Jasper
  • Pastelite - Variety of jasper exhibiting pastel colors.
  • Quetzalitztli - Translucent, emerald green jasper from Guatemala, colored by inclusions of Cr-muscovite.
  • Riband Jasper - A banded Jasper
  • Vogelaugenjaspis
  • Wilkite - A yellow, purple, pink, and green jasper from Willow Creek, Ada County, Idaho, USA.
  • [30]

Jasper is usually considered as Chalcedony; sometimes, however, scientists put it in a group by itself within the quartz group because of its grainy structure.

The name jasper is derived from the Greek and means "spotted stone".

The finely grained, dense jasper contains up to 20 percent foreign materials, which determine its colour, streak, and appearance. Uniformly colored jasper is rare, usually it is multicolored, striped, or flamed. Sometimes jasper can be grown together with agate or opal. There is also some fossilized material. [37]

There are many types of jasper; it is one of the oldest known gemstones. It is mentioned in the Bible several times. All jaspers are strong securing, stability stones. It is a powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to have in your home.

Jasper comes in many colors. All colors of Jasper will help balance the vibrations of the body. Jasper is slow to show a change to the person, but is such a basic "good" stone that one should always have it on hand. Leopard skin jasper is said to assist in self-healing. [5]

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life.

Jasper is often used to facilitate dreaming/dream recall and shamanic journeys. It is a stone of protection, absorbing all types of negative energies.

Jasper helps to balance and align the physical, mental and emotional bodies with the etheric realm. Jasper is a stone of courage and determination. It can often help those who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation to follow through. Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, transforming ideas into action. [4]

VarietāteAinavu jašma [2], Baltā jašma[4], brecciated jašma[4], Brūnā jašma[2], Brūni strīpainā jašma[4], Čūskas jašma [2], Dalmāciešu jašma[2], Dzeltenā jašma [2], Gliemežvāku jašma[5], Kecalitctli[2], Leopardādas jašma[2], Melnā jašma[2], Mokaīta jašma[2], Okeāna jašma [2], Oranžā jašma [2], Pikasso jašma [2], Polihromā jašma[5], Sarkanā jašma [2], Varavīksnes jašma[2], Zaļā jašma[2], Zebras jašma[2]
SaderPērles[17], Serdoliks[17], Tektīts[5]
NesaderKalnu kristāls[17], Opāls[17], Almandīns[17]
Galīgi nesaderMēnessakmens[17], Akvamarīns[17], Berils[17]
Krāsa Zaļa[7], Violeta[7], Sarkana[4][7], Pelēka[7], Melna[4], Dzeltena[4], Brūna[4]
Spīdums Stikla[58], Zīda[58]
Caurspīdīgums Necaurspīdīgs[37]
Cietība 6,5 - 7[37][56]
Čakra Čakras atkarībā no krāsas[7][4]
Vibrācija 6[4]
Stihija Gaiss[7], Zeme[7]
Zodiaks Skorpions (Scorpio)[3], Jaunava (Virgo)[3][7][56][58], Lauva (Leo)[3][4]
Planētas Jupiters[7][56], Merkurs[7][56]
Enerģija Uzņēmīgā Iņ (uzņem enerģiju)[7][56][58]
Kaites Zarnas[4], Žultspūslis[33], Urīnceļi[4], Redze[58], Psoriāze[9], Pūslis[33], Murgi[4], Kājas[4], Kuņģis[58], Išiass[9], Gremošanas traucējumi[4], Epilepsija[4], DNS bojājumi[4], Ceļojumu kaites[4], Aizkuņģa dziedzeris[4], Alkoholisms[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Stress[4], Mierinājums[4]
Minerālu klase Silikātu minerāls[4]
Ķīmiskā formula SiO2, silīcija dioksīds ar piemaisījumiem[4]
Blīvums (g/cm3) 2,6[56]
Atradnes ASV[56][37], Austrālija[4], Austrija[2], Brazīlija[4], Čehija[37], Ēģipte[2], Francija[2][56], Indija[4][2][56], Itālija[2], Japāna[56], Kazahstāna[2], Ķīna[4], Krievija[2][56], Krievija-Urāli[37], Lielbritānija[2], Madagaskara[37], Maroka[37], Meksika[2], Nīderlande[37], Peru[37], Portugāle[37], Ukraina[2], Vācija[2][56], Vidusāzija[58]