Melnā jašma, basanīts (Black Jasper, Basanite)

Black Jasper (also known as Basanite) is great for the lower chakras, making it an excellent stone for grounding the energies of one who may be experiencing spaciness. This property can greatly help those with a lack of emotional and/or physical stability. Black Jasper is also good for connecting one's higher vibrations to the earth, helping with manifestation work. Black Jasper is exceptionally cleansing and can bring support during a healing crisis. It also makes an excellent scrying stone.

Physically, Black Jasper eases pain, helps in the healing process during hip/joint replacement, balances the body’s mineral intake, and restores one after a prolonged illness or surgery.

Jasper comes in a wide variety of colors. A type of Chalcedony, Jasper is a protective, nurturing stone that absorbs and transmutes negative energies. Jasper is often used for balancing the subtle bodies and aligning the Chakras. This Jasper crystal is a great aid for those seeking to bring practicality into their life, but not boredom. Jasper promotes vitality and perseverance, and can boost energy when one is running particularly low. By working with multiple colors of Jasper on their corresponding Chakras, one can experience the unifying effect offered by this family of stones. [4]

Krāsa Melna[4]
Čakra 1. saknes Muladhara[4], 3. saules pinuma Manipuru[4]
Vibrācija 6[4]
Zodiaks Skorpions (Scorpio)[4], Auns (Aries)[4]
Kaites Sāpes[4], Minerālu uzņemšana[4], Atveseļošanās pēc slimības vai operācijas[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Sagatavotība[4], Agresīva uzvedība[4]
Garīgā ietekme Samazina negatīvo enerģiju[4]
Sastopamība Reta[4]
Minerālu klase Silikātu minerāls[4]
Ķīmiskā formula SiO2, silīcija dioksīds ar piemaisījumiem[4]
Atradnes Brazīlija[4], Izraēla[4]