Gošenīts (Goshenite)

Goshenite is the colorless form of Beryl. Impurities in the crystal system of Beryl yield varieties that include Aquamarine, Emerald, Morganite and Heliodor. It was often called the “Mother of crystals” and, as such, is one of the premier crystals for mothers.

Goshenite brings those who suffer from severe mood swings a sense of peace and calm. It is also helpful for those who have post-natal depression, severe PMS and other hormonal-related conditions. Goshenite provides a state of composure and the wherewithal to move forward during times of upheaval. It is a stone of honesty and helps those around you to speak the truth and lesson the spread of gossip. Goshenite is a wonderful crystal to keep on hand when one has trouble making decisions.

Goshenite is a stone of creativity and expressing yourself honestly and with originality. When used with the Crown chakra, Goshenite allows you the happiness you deserve. It is also an excellent crystal to use when communicating with angels and other spirit guides, and helps those in a relationship to communicate truthfully with each other.

Physically, Goshenite helps the eyesight, leg muscles, and the immune system. It is also beneficial for those suffering from ADHD. Because it is associated with the Moon, Goshenite helps with balancing the hormones and fluid retention. [4]

Goshenite is a highly treasured stone that is widely used as a tool for spiritual assistance, enhancing dreams, gaining loyalty, prayer and for stimulating the mind.

Goshenite is a powerful dreamstone. It can inspire one to create and hold a new and higher vision of what is possible.

The energy from Goshenite can provide a strong, clear sense of upliftment to the emotional body.

Goshenite is also said to be a stone of loyalty. When one uses or holds Goshenite one both feels and inspires loyalty between oneself and friends or coworkers. [5]

SaderAkvamarīns[5], Morganīts[5], Smaragds[5]
Krāsa Bezkrāsaina[37][30][4]
Svītra Zaļa[5]
Spīdums Stikla[37]
Caurspīdīgums Caurspīdīgs lidz puscaurspīdīgs[37]
Cietība 7,5 - 8[37][4]
Čakra 6. trešās acs (Third Eye) Adžnu[5], 7. vainaga (Crown) Sahasrara[5]
Vibrācija 3[4]
Stihija Vējš[5]
Zodiaks Svari (Libra)[4], Vēzis (Cancer)[4]
Enerģija Spēju[5], Uzticība[5]
Kaites Vārgums[4], Toksīni[4], Saaukstēšanās[4], Imūnsistēma[4], Detoksifācija[4], Drudzis[4], Acis[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Mierīgs[4], Līdzjūtība[4], Klusums[4], Godīgums[4], Bēdas[4], Atklāsme[4], Vainas apziņa[4]
Garīgā ietekme Vīziju meklējumi[4], Skaidrība[4], Mierīgums[4], Karma[4], Gaišredzība[4]
Minerālu klase Silikātu minerāls[4]
Ķīmiskā formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6, berila alumīnija silikāts[4]
Atradnes Afganistāna[5], ASV[37][5], Birma[37], Brazīlija[4][5], Dienvidāfrika[5], Pakistāna[37][5], Šrilanka[37]
Pics /pic/9/2081-2588.25aa6d5.jpg[5]