Kuncīts (Kunzite, Кунцит)

Kunzite is an unusual, and rare, stone.

Wear kunzite to be blessed with good fortune. Its soft pastel colors symbolize purity. It can also be a sign of new life and is sometimes regarded as a symbol for pregnancy.

Kunzite is a calming, relaxation stone:

  • Releases tension
  • Promotes a peaceful disposition
  • Emits exceptionally tranquil vibrations

Kunzite opens the heart to all forms of love.

The gentle energy of kunzite helps to release blocks in matters of the heart and allows one to move to a more receptive state. It is an especially wonderful gift stone, opening a silent communion of joy and delight.

Gaze at or hold a kunzite to release daily stress, smooth out knotted muscles, calm nerves, anger or fear. [5]

Kunzite is the pink variety of Spodumene. It is a highly spiritual stone, connecting to the source of unconditional love, producing loving thought and action. Kunzite centers the holder, projecting a sense of deep peace. Kunzite is a high vibrational stone and can be used to go into a deep, meditative state. Kunzite centers, enhances creativity and self expression.

Kunzite is a stone of romantic love, good for communication of love when you are nervous, as well as for healing heartaches. It is also a stone of self-love, promoting humility and self-tolerance. Kunzite can strengthen the human energy field, clear the aura, and clear negative energy from a room or environment.

Kunzite can help those who are focused on the outside world, to become more introspective and contemplative. Kunzite is frequently used for releasing energy blockages and increasing acceptance of Divine Love. Kunzite dispels negativity and removes emotional baggage, replacing the void with Divine Love.

Kunzite is a very high vibration stone that activates the Heart Chakra and aligns it with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras to support loving communication.

Physically, Kunzite can strengthen the circulatory system and the heart muscle. It is also a wonderful stone to use for depression and anxiety. [4]

SaderLazurīts[5], Rozā turmalīns[5], Skolecīts[5], Čaroīts[5]
Krāsa Zaļa[5], Ceriņkrāsa[4], Violeta[5], Violeti rozā[37], Rozā[37][5][4], Dzeltena[5], Bezkrāsaina[5][4]
Spīdums Stikla[37][58]
Caurspīdīgums Caurspīdīgs[37]
Cietība 6 - 7[5][56][58]
Čakra 4. sirds (Heart) Anahata[3][4][5][58], 6. trešās acs (Third Eye) Adžnu[3], 7. vainaga (Crown) Sahasrara[3]
Vibrācija 7[3]
Stihija Ūdens[3][5], Zeme[3]
Zodiaks Skorpions (Scorpio)[3][4][58], Svari (Libra)[3], Lauva (Leo)[3][4], Vērsis (Taurus)[3][4], Auns (Aries)[3]
Planētas Plutons[5], Venēra[5]
Enerģija Dziedināšanas[5], Mīlestibas[5], Spēju[5], Uzņēmīgā Iņ (uzņem enerģiju)[58], Veiksmes[5]
Kaites Smadzenes[4], Stress[58], Rīkle[4], Pāreja[4], Pietūkums[4], Plaušas[4][33], Podagra[9], Nervi/nervozums[58], Miokards[58], Miršanas process[4], Muskuļi/skelets[4], Pietūkušas locītavas[4], Kaitīgs ieradums[4], Iekaisums[4], Imūnsistēma[4], Epilepsija[4], Anēmija, mazasinība[4], Artrīts[9], Audu reģenerācija[4], Paaugstināts asisnsspiediens[9]
Emocionālā ietekme Vardarbība[4], Pašaprūpe[4], Pašcieņa[4], Nomierināšana[4], Beznosacījumu mīlestība[4], Maigums[4], Mierīgs[4], Mierināšana[4], Mīlestība[4], Emocionālais līdzsvars[4], Laipnība[4], Depresija[4], Bipolārie traucējumi[4], Emocionālās blokādes[4]
Garīgā ietekme Meditatīvs stāvoklis[4], Radošums[4], Dievišķā mīla[4], Intuīcija[4], Dvēseles atgūšana[4]
Dzimšanas akmens Februāris[5]
Sastopamība Reta[5]
Minerālu klase Silikātu minerāls[4]
Ķīmiskā formula LiAlSi2O6 - Litija alumīnija silikāts[58][4]
Blīvums (g/cm3) 3,1 - 3,2[58], 3,2[37][56]
Atradnes Afganistāna[37][5][58][56], ASV[37][5][56], ASV-Kalifornija[58], Brazīlija[37][5][4][58][56], Madagaskara[37][5][4][58][56], Pakistāna[4], Šrilanka[37]