Granāts (Garnet, Гранат)

Garnet is extensively used as a gem. The name is said to have been derived from the colour of the gem varieties, red garnets having been compared to the flowers and seeds of the pomegranate-tree.

The most common colour of Garnet is red, the most usual tones being tinged with brown, yellow and violet. Green garnet, the colour of which is similar to that of the emerald, though usually more yellowish or brownish, is also cut as a gem, but less frequently. Black garnets also occur and are used in mourning jewellery. Blue is a colour conspicuous by its complete absence in the garnet group.

Amongst all varieties there are numerous specimens of perfect clearness and transparency, sometimes combined with the deepest and darkest shade of colour which are cut as gems.

Garnet is a name given to a group of closely related silicate minerals sharing the same isometric structure. In mineralogy the term garnet has been expanded to include other non-silicate minerals with the same structure, but in gemmological usage, garnet relates specifically to the various mineral species listed below.

Almandine - An iron-aluminium Garnet.
Almandine-Pyrope - Garnets intermediate between Almandine and Pyrope.
  • Rhodolite - A rose-red variety of Garnets from the Almandine to pyrope series.
Andradite - A calcium iron garnet.
  • Demantoid - A green variety of andradite.
  • Melanite - A black variety of andradite.
  • Topazolite - A yellow-brown variety of andradite.
Andradite-Grossular - Garnets intermediate between andradite and grossular.
  • Mali Garnet - Grossular-andradite type garnet from Mali, West Africa.
Grossular - A calcium aluminium garnet.
  • Hessonite - A golden orange to brown variety of grossular.
  • Hibschite - A grossular containing hydroxyl ions.
  • Hydrogrossular - A grossular containing hydroxide (OH).
  • Transvaal Jade - A compact green massive jade-like variety of grossular.
  • Tsavorite - An emerald-green variety of grossular.
Malaia Garnet
Pyrope - A magnesium aluminium garnet.
  • Chrome Pyrope - A violet chrome-bearing variety of pyrope.
Pyrope-Spessartine - Garnets intermediate between pyrope and spessartine
  • Umbalite - A light pink to purple pyrope, originally from the Umba River, Tanzania.
Spessartine - A manganese aluminium garnet.
  • Kashmirine - Spessartine from Kashmir.
  • Mandarin Garnet - A fiery reddish-orange spessartine.

Uvarovite - A calcium chromium garnet. [37]

The Garnet is known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, just put 3 or more garnets on your desk. It is believed that if a garnet is put under a pillow it will cure depression. Garnets can be used to make a person popular and have self-esteem when worn as jewelry. It helps protect one on trips. Garnets bring constancy to friendships. Garnets are also known for stimulating success in business.

Garnets are a related group of minerals. Members of this group include: almandine (red to violet red); spessartite (yellow, rose, or orange to reddish-brown); pyrope (deep red); grossular (white, yellow, yellow-green, brownish-red, orange or black); andradite (colorless, yellow-green, or brown to black). The most prized garnet is an emerald green variety called demantoid and is a member of the adradite group. Healing properties of Garnet

Garnet comes in many colors, but now we will speak only about red Garnet. The Garnet is associated with the thyroid and spleen. It helps cleanse and purify both when held over the area. The Garnet is usually held in the hand or placed on top of the head when searching or meditating on past lives. Information that is beneficial and helpful will usually be released for the searcher.

The Garnet is a stone of purity and truth as well as a symbol of love and compassion. The information released in a search may be painful, but it will always be what the searcher needs. The Garnet will help everyone's security level and spiritual awareness.It can help increase the sex drive. [5]

The flash and fire of Garnet inspires a sense of lightness and brightness, illuminating dark places and dark souls. Garnet is a good stone for depression, bringing joy and hope to its user, and helps lessen anger, especially toward oneself. Garnet’s fire stimulates the survival instinct, bringing willpower and courage to a situation. Garnet will quickly “light a fire” under you, bringing those internalized ideas and feeling you have to the surface to be acted upon and carried out.

Powerful Garnet can cleanse the chakras of negative energies and re-energize them. Use Garnet to balance the Sacral Chakra and sex drive, and to aid in the controlled rise of Kundalini energy. Garnet inspires love and passion, devotion and loyalty. A stone of commitment, Garnet encourages personal relationships of all kinds, and is a useful relationship tool both personally and in business. [4]

VarietāteAlmandīns[2], Andradīts[37], Cavorīts[5], Grosulārs[2], Pirops[30], Uvarovīts[2]
SaderKarneols[17], Pērles[17], Serdoliks[17], Fenakīts[5], Melnais ahāts[17], Sarkanais kalcīts[5], Staurolīts[5]
NesaderKalnu kristāls[17], Opāls[17], Almandīns[17]
Galīgi nesaderMēnessakmens[17], Akvamarīns[17], Berils[17]
Krāsa Dzelteni zaļa[37], Zaļa[2][4][37], Violeti sarkana[37], Rozīgi sarkana[37], Sarkana[2][4][2][37], Gaiši rozā[37], Rozā[4], Oranža[2][4], Melna[4], Dzeltena[37], Brūna[4], Bezkrāsaina[4][37]
Spīdums Stikla[35][37][58], Sveķains[58]
Caurspīdīgums Caurspīdīgs lidz puscaurspīdīgs[35][37], Duļķains[35], Dzidrs[35]
Cietība 6,5 - 7,5[5], 7 - 7,5[56][58]
Čakra 1. saknes Muladhara[3][7][4][5][58], 2. krusta kaula, sakrālā[3][4], 4. sirds (Heart) Anahata[3][4], 7. vainaga (Crown) Sahasrara[3]
Vibrācija 11[3][4], 2[3]
Stihija Ūdens[7], Uguns[3][7], Zeme[7]
Zodiaks Udensvīrs (Aquarius)[3][7][4][5][58], Mežāzis (Capricorn)[3][7][4][5], Strēlnieks (Sagittarius)[7], Skorpions (Scorpio)[3][7][58], Jaunava (Virgo)[3][4], Lauva (Leo)[3][7][4][5]
Planētas Jupiters[7], Marss[7][5], Mēness[7], Saule[7], Venēra[7]
Enerģija Dziedināšanas[5], Laimes[5], Mīlestibas[5], Naudas[5], Projektīvā Jan (izdala enerģiju, aktivizē)[7][58]
Kaites Resnā zarna[4], Zarnas[4], Zarnu trakts[4], Vairogdziedzeris[4], Vēderdobums[4], Vēnu paplašināšanās[9], VItamīnu uzsūkšana[4], Seksa tieksme[4], Sirds[4][33], Spēku izsīkums[4], Reimatisms[9], Nieres[4], Nogurums[4], Menopauze[4], Mugurkauls[33], Kājas[4], Kuņģis[4], Impotence[4], Imūnsistēma[58], Galvassāpes[58], Graizes[4], Hiperaktivitāte[4], Hipofīze[4], Elpošanas sistēma[58], Dzīvotspēja[4], Āda[58], Aizcietējums[58], Aizkuņģa dziedzeris[4], Aknas[4], Alergijas[58], Anēmija, mazasinība[4], Artrīts[4][9], Asinis[4], Asins detoksifikācija[4], Asinsapgādes traucējumi[9], Asinsrite[4], Mazasinība[9], Zems asinsspiediens[4]
Emocionālā ietekme Radniecība[4], Pašcieņa[4], Pašpārliecinātība[4], Līdzjūtība[4], Krīze[4], Godīgums[4], Gribasspēks[4], Cieņa[4]
Garīgā ietekme Vienotība[4], Pārveidošanās[4], Labklājība[4], Izpausme[4], Apvienošana[4]
Gada-dienas akmens 18[5], 2[5]
Dzimšanas akmens Oktobris[5], Maijs[5], Februāris[5], Janvāris[5]
Minerālu klase Silikātu minerāls[2][4]
Ķīmiskā formula A3B2(SiO4)3[4], X3Z2(SiO4)3 X = Ca, Fe, utt Z = Al, Cr, utt[37]
Blīvums (g/cm3) 6,5 - 8[56][58]
Atradnes Afganistāna[37], Argentīna[56][58], ASV[5][37][58], Austrālija[5][37][56][58], Austrija[37][56][58], Azerbaidžāna[37], Birma[37], Brazīlija[4][5][37][56][58], Čehija[37], Dienvidāfrika[37][56][58], Indija[4][5][37][56][58], Irāna[37], Itālija[37], Japāna[37], Kanāda[37], Kenija[37], Ķīna[4][37], Kirgizstāna[37], Krievija[5][56], Krievija-Austrumsibīrija[37], Krievija-Kola[37], Krievija-Tālie Austrumi[37], Krievija-Urāli[37][58], Madagaskara[37][56][58], Mali[37], Meksika[56][58], Nigērija[37], Norvēģija[56][58], Pakistāna[4][37], Šrilanka[37][56][58], Taizeme[37], Tanzānija[4][5][37], Zambija[37][56][58]